A user manual provides guidelines for the application of FHI. It explains the conceptual underpinnings and provides definitions of the indicators included in the assessment. It also provides guidance on how to evaluate each indicator, suggestions on data sources helpful to evaluate indicators (for baseline assessments and scenario planning), aggregation of indicators and interpretation of index values.

The guidelines in the user manual will be reviewed and updated periodically, and input from all users of the FHI is welcome. We particularly welcome new examples that are illustrative of these guidelines.

FHI User Manual Version 1.2.1

FHI User Manual Version 1.1:



The FHI leverages data from multiple sources corresponding to the various dimensions of the freshwater social ecological system. Assessments of Ecosystem Vitality, Ecosystem Services and Governance are best calculated by incorporating local expertise and studies on basin hydrology, land cover, biodiversity, water resource management and water governance. In some cases, global datasets from macro-scale models or remotely sensed data can provide suitable substitutes to initiate the assessment process in a basin.


Basics of FHI